Chemicals that can Harm your Wood Floors

flooring store coral springs

Hardwood floors are stylish, add value to properties, and are easy to clean. They also require effort on the part of homeowners to ensure their cleaning products don’t contain damaging chemicals that will harm the floor. The use of the wrong cleaning formulas can necessitate replacing part or all of your beautiful hardwood floors.

Ammonia and Vinegar

Cleaning products containing vinegar and ammonia are extremely efficient at removing dirt from floors. They’re also two chemicals that will remove the finish from your hardwood floor. The flooring will begin to look splotchy and lose it’s sheen over time as the chemicals eat through the finish.

Oil-Based Soap                                                                                                          

Soap and oil-based cleaners may seem like a good idea since they make hardwood floors appear so bright and shiny. Unfortunately, they also succeed in trapping dirt and dust on the varnish, which leads to fading and loss of color over time.


Using plain water to clean your hardwood flooring – or even worse, a steam cleaner – may seem preferable, but don’t give in to the temptation. If too much water is used, it will be absorbed into the wood. Over time, that moisture will result in flooring that expands and runs the risk of cracking. Once that happens, the only solution is to replace the entire floor.


One solution is to hire a professional floor cleaning service that has experience with hardwood floors and the knowledge of chemicals required to clean floors without damaging them. The disadvantage to that option is that it can become quite expensive.

You can care for your hardwood floors yourself by using a solution of warm water and lemon juice applied with a damp – not wet – cloth. It’s more work on your part, but your floors will reap the benefit by remaining fresh looking, sanitized and hygienic.

There are a variety of premade cleaning solutions available in stores that provide the clean you want without harming the finish on your hardwood floor. Look at the label before purchasing any cleaner. It should clearly indicate that it’s approved for use on hardwood floors.

For over 30 Years Kuhn Flooring has been providing superior quality flooring products and installations to Coral Springs as well as all of South Florida Residential and Commercial Property owners. We are the #1 Flooring Company in South Florida. Kuhn Flooring is equally qualified as we are committed to delivering 5 Star service to all our customers in South Florida.

We encourage you to use the contact form below to get started with a free estimate on your next flooring project. Or simply call us at: (954) 344-4838

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