Best Non-Slip Flooring Options

Children and the elderly are more prone to slips and falls than any other age group. The risk increases in areas where spills and moisture are most likely such as bathrooms, kitchens and entryways. Mobility for seniors may also involve canes, walkers or wheelchairs, all of which present specific problems on slippery surfaces. The following… Continue reading Best Non-Slip Flooring Options

Choosing your Bedroom Carpeting

Carpeting is a traditional floor covering for bedrooms to produce a soft and romantic feel. It also provides a buffer when you first get out of bed. Instead of stepping onto a cold, hard floor, your feet are treated to warmth and comfort. When the bedroom is carpeted, it will also provide a soft and… Continue reading Choosing your Bedroom Carpeting

Is it Time to get Rid of your Old Carpet?

The floors in your home sustain a lot of damage over time from sources that include children, pets and entertaining. That’s particularly true of carpeting. Whether you install new carpeting or transition to completing different flooring, there are certain signs that it’s time to take up the old carpeting. Much will depend on the amount… Continue reading Is it Time to get Rid of your Old Carpet?

Tips for Adding an Accent Rug to your New Floor

Accent rugs serve many practical purposes and enhance décor. They’re an often-overlooked accessory that adds warmth and personality to rooms. Accent rugs are appropriate for bare and carpeted flooring and should either highlight the rest of the décor or create a contrast with the style or layout of the room. The following are some tips… Continue reading Tips for Adding an Accent Rug to your New Floor

Is Carpet Flooring a Thing of the Past?

In days gone by, the height of luxury used to be carpeting – a classy floor covering reserved for the wealthy and elite. Times have changed dramatically.  With the current trend toward hardwood flooring and the desire for low maintenance surfaces, many people don’t even consider carpeting for their flooring needs. Whether carpeting is a… Continue reading Is Carpet Flooring a Thing of the Past?